Pros and Cons of Online Counseling

The rise of digital healthcare during the pandemic has opened up new possibilities for maintaining mental health. This article examines the pros and cons of online Counseling, so it might help you decide whether online Counseling is the right fit for you.


Online Counseling, e-therapy, teletherapy, or digital therapy refers to mental health services delivered via the Internet. It can take various forms, including video calls, voice calls, emails, or messaging, offering an alternative to traditional face-to-face therapy. Online Counseling allows you to connect with a counselor using any device with an internet connection, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone.


There are many benefits that online counseling offers. The following are some of the main advantages of online Counseling.


Online Counseling is Effective

Available literature suggests that online therapy can be as effective as face-to-face therapy. Research showed, for example, that cognitive behavior therapy has similar efficacy compared to in-person therapy for treating depression and anxiety disorders. Online Counseling provides a platform for effective communication and therapeutic techniques.

Wherever you are

It can be not easy to access mental health treatment for individuals living in remote or rural areas. It can be a burden to people in need of help If they have to drive long distances to access mental health treatment. 

Online Counseling offers access to mental health care that might otherwise be unavailable. You can quickly and easily access Counseling if you have reliable internet access.

Accessibility for People With Physical Limitations, Parents

Online Counseling is a valuable alternative to traditional in-person Counseling, especially for people who are unable to leave their homes for various reasons, such as physical or mental illness. 

Also, online Counseling is a good option for parents who find it challenging to leave home for appointments with their small children.

Convenience and Affordability

Online Counseling is a convenient and cost-effective option to face-to-face counseling. Often, you can schedule online Counseling for whatever time is most convenient for you. You can access online Counseling from the comfort of your home, which requires no travel time and can be more affordable than traditional therapy, especially since therapists themselves often don't have to rent a practice room and can, therefore, offer more affordable treatment options. 

Treatment Can Be More Approachable

Mental health is still affected by stigma and prejudice. Receiving Counseling in the comfort and privacy of your own home can make Counseling more approachable. You might feel more at ease knowing you will not encounter someone you know in front of the therapist's office. Also, it might be easier to open up to a stranger when you comfortably sit in your safe home space. 


While online Counseling can benefit people, it also comes with disadvantages over in-person Counseling. 


Coverage for online Counseling can vary, and health insurance plans may not always cover it. This can make online Counseling less affordable for people who could use their insurance for face-to-face Counseling.

Confidentiality, Privacy, and Unreliable Technology

Internet security, privacy, and unreliable technology can challenge people offering online Counseling.

Keeping your information secure is a significant concern in online Counseling. Since data is transmitted online, there's a concern for privacy leaks. 

Anna Hase Psychology protects all your personal information, including your details and sensitive information about your health and online therapy sessions.

Unreliable technology might hinder you from accessing treatment when you need it the most. 

Also, a stable internet connection and easy access to a digital device (e.g., mobile, computer) are necessary for online Counseling. However, people with a socioeconomically disadvantaged background might not have access to a stable internet connection, and online Counseling might, therefore, widen the gap between rich and poor. 

Not Appropriate for Serious Psychiatric Illnesses 

The psychological Counseling offered online is not a substitute for people with severe psychiatric illnesses or those in acute crisis who are likely to require close and direct treatment through face-to-face therapy. If you are in an acute crisis or experience symptoms of a mental disorder, please get in touch with emergency services or a psychotherapist in your area. If you are unsure whether online psychological Counseling is right for you, please get in touch with me, and we can examine together what is appropriate in your specific situation.


If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact 

TELL Lifeline at 03 5774 0992 (Japan)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 (USA)  

Samaritans 116 123 (UK) 

for support and assistance from a trained counselor. 


If your life is in danger, call the police 110 (Japan), or 911 (USA).

Overlooks Body Language 

If using message-based Counseling, your therapists cannot see your facial expressions or body language. These signals can often be essential to fully understand your feelings, thoughts, moods, and behaviors.

Video-based Counseling might give a clearer picture of your facial expressions. However, it might still lack the intimacy that real-world interactions offer. While some people might feel more comfortable and enjoy the convenience of meeting their counselor online, others might miss the comfort that direct human contact provides; for example, handing over a tissue is impossible when you're meeting online. 

Ethical and Legal Concerns 

Counselors can treat clients from anywhere in the world and, therefore, undergo different licensing requirements and treatment guidelines depending on their location. It is essential to check their qualifications and experience before you begin your counseling process.  


I'm a psychologist specializing in assisting parents from when they are trying to conceive to when their child is a toddler. 

My clients are healthy but are facing some difficulties in their everyday lives. My counseling services encompass a range of topics, including loneliness, stress in relationships, grief, regulating emotions, and decision-making. In our sessions, we'll work together to navigate the complexities of parenthood, offering support and strategies tailored to your unique situation.

Benefits of Online Counseling for Parents

Online counseling offers numerous advantages for parents:

- Flexibility and Convenience: Appointments can be scheduled around family commitments.

- Affordability: Often cheaper than traditional therapy, especially when travel costs and time are saved.

- Accessibility: Ideal for parents living in rural areas or those who find it challenging to be physically present.

- Anonymity and Privacy: Many parents appreciate the discretion that online sessions offer.

Comparison with Traditional Counseling

Compared to traditional counseling, online counseling offers a range of advantages. While traditional counseling provides personal interaction in a clinic environment, it can be impractical for parents with tight schedules or limited mobility. The commuting and associated costs are eliminated in online counseling. Moreover, online therapy offers a wider selection of therapists, allowing parents to find a specialist precisely tailored to their needs.

Book your 15-min introductory consultation for free

You can schedule a 15-minute introductory meeting by filling out the contact form here. 


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