M. Sc. Anna Hasenoehrl



I'm from Switzerland, and I've been living with my husband and two children in Japan since 2018, where I offer online psychological counseling, resilience training, and coaching.

I have specialized in resilience in families, bereavement support after experiencing the early death of a child, and acceptance and commitment therapy. 

I want to give you an empathetic, non-judgmental space to explore your situation, feelings, and needs. We examine your current situation, where your resources are, and what you need to shape your everyday life so that it feels coherent and fulfilling to you, even when challenges arise.
I look forward to hearing from you!!

I look forward to hearing from you!!


REiFAM® Resilience Coach
Fostering resilience in families

ACT for Grief and Loss
ACT Mindfully

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT Mindfully

Psychotherapeutic bereavement support for parents losing a child

2016 - 2019
M.Sc. Psychology

University degree Master of Science at the University of Zurich - Master's thesis: Grieving in Japan: The Development of a Grief Model for Japanese Bereaved Adults and Proposals for the ICD-11 Prolonged Grief Disorder

Research on Prolonged Grief Disorder in Japan at Jichi Medical University in Tochigi, Japan
Awarded a scholarship from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

2012 - 2016 
B.Sc. Psychology
University degree Bachelor of Science at the University of Zurich - Bachelor thesis: Action vs. situation orientation: Evidence for the measurement of a self-regulatory ability for intuitive affect regulation 

Major in Psychology, minor in Japanese Studies 

2016 - 2017
Research internship on adjustment disorders after unintentional job loss at the University of Zurich 

ABA Therapy 
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) with child with autism